This website shows frameworks benchmark data run by The Benchmarker. You can check out the benchmark source code on this GitHub repository. This website is open source, you can check the source code here.
There are many frameworks, each one comes with its own advantages and drawbacks. The purpose of this project is to identify them and attempt to measure their differences (performance is only one metric).
A framework is a set of components working together. The main intention behind a framework is to facilitate (app or service) creation. The way a framework help any developer could vary from one to an other.
, all tools are made in ruby
, results are collected using wrk
, results are stored in postgresql
, each implementation is implemented in an isolated containerjq
, processing docker
metadataAll frameworks are benchmarked using wrk (threads: 8, timeout: 8, duration: 15 seconds) with 64, 256, and 512 concurrency.